Page 14 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 6
P. 14



Few places in France attract          grow wheat or other crops. In the      Some                                  9 km. west of
    more tourists than Mont-St-       19th Century, tilled fields gradually  believe it to be the lost Abbaye      Avranches on Route D911. Park
Michel, and for good reason. But      gave way to pastureland for cattle,    de Maudane, where saints Pair         on the left just before the village
few people who visit this area know   but the bocage was left standing.      and Victor were said to have lived    church, in a lot alongside a stream
that a drive of less than half an     Set in the heart of bocage country,    during early medieval times. Some     pouring into a tidal inlet. Walk
hour will bring you to a spectacu-    the Abbaye de la Lucerne can be        believe that the place has had        across the tiny bridge to the east-
lar vantage point to view Mont-St-    reached on foot from Carolles by       religious significance since the 6th  ern side of the stream, then go to
Michel across the bay, away from      serious walkers. This small region     Century, perhaps as a sanctuary for   your right, toward the sea. You’ll
all the tourists and traffic. Here    between the coastal road and the       lepers. You’ll also walk past traces  see Mont-St-Michel looming in the
you can savor it in the quiet of the  sea has been spared development        of a Roman fort, in the form of       distance. The trail quickly veers to
countryside, far from the crowds      and features a fine network of         long dirt walls in the forest and     the left, paralleling the tidal areas.
– and then, if the weather’s right,   walking trails. On the Pointe de       undergrowth.                          You can walk for miles, enjoying
enjoy a visit to the busy beaches in  Champeaux, which juts out into         If you don’t have time to explore
nearby Jullouville and Carolles.      the Bay of Mont-St-Michel just         the region but still                    the views and the rural solitude.
Once you leave the main roads,        south of Carolles, rocky windswept     want an impressive
you enter the bocage, a world of      cliff tops form a narrow strip of      view of Mont-St-Mi-
small green pastures and farmland     moorland overlooking the sea. The      chel, drive to Genets,
surrounded by fences of flowers,      thin soil supports little growth, but
bushes, and trees, their sides often  it is speckled with wildflowers a
pruned into a sort of living wall.    good part of the year. Through the
The bocage emerged in medieval        seaside highlands, the tiny Lude
times as a way to preserve a little   River has carved a deep valley to
woodland while expanding fields to    the sea, filled with a humid, jungle
                                      like forest. You’ll pass 17th-Cen-
                                      tury La Cabane Vauban (Vauban
                                      Cabin). From here, you get a
                                      dramatic view of Mont-St-Michel
                                      rising up from the sea far in the
                                      About 300 feet beyond La Cabane
                                      Vauban lie impossible-to-find
                                      vestiges of a medieval monastery.

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