Page 22 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 5
P. 22


A Life-Changing
Turns out there’s a huge

difference between ‘fishing’

and ‘catching fish’.

Most people are surprised to learn that
Ketchikan, Alaska – jumping off point for a
trip to the nearby Waterfall and Steamboat
Bay sport fishing resorts – is only about 90
minutes by air from Seattle. It’s like taking
a flight from Boston to Washington, DC or
driving an hour-and-a-half from Chicago
to Lake Geneva, WI. Certainly well within
the boundaries of a quick getaway by any

A Different World                              board each group’s designated cabin cruis-      dining room (actually the old Cannery
                                               er, piloted by experienced, licensed guides     Manager’s house) overlooking picturesque
From your window seat on the flight out of     who know all the best fishing spots around      Ulloa Channel. The vast array of appetiz-
Seattle, watch the suburbs recede and the      Noyes, Lulu and Baker Islands – places          ers, entrees, breads, pastries, soups and
snow-capped peaks of the Coastal Range         with names like Pineapple, Granite and          salads are prepared fresh daily and the
begin to poke through the low-hanging          Rockpile. Returning to Waterfall around         complementary selection of house wines
clouds. Soon you’re gazing down at a differ-   4:30 in the afternoon, you disembark and        flows unabated.
ent world. Soaring, snow-covered moun-         your catch is hauled up to the main dock,
tains. Cold, clear ocean inlets. Roiling,      where the fish are weighed, hung up and         Later, you can opt for a hike to the waterfall
crashing rivers rushing to the sea. Tall-      trophy photos taken. After that most guests     (it’s usually light until after 10 pm during
growth, temperate rainforests stretching       repair to their rooms to clean up and           the Summer fishing season), relax some
out to – and beyond – the horizon.             change while their catch is cleaned, filleted,  more in the Lagoon Saloon, or head back to
                                               flash-frozen and vacuum-packed for the          your room for a well-deserved night’s sleep
Arriving in Ketchikan, you find the city       trip home.                                      before getting up early the next morning
occupies about four square miles of land                                                       and doing it all over again.
hugging the western edge of Revilla Island     Refuel, Relax, Repeat
on the Inside Passage. No big chain hotels,                                                    A Life-Changing Experience
no fast-food franchises, lots of jewelry       The next step in the daily routine if you’re
stores and souvenir shops (catering to the     at Waterfall usually involves a stop at the     Whether you opt for a 3-day package, a
cruise ship crowd, naturally), a few bars      Lagoon Saloon which, true to its name,          6-day package or something in between,
and restaurants. Like most cities in Alaska,   overlooks the saltwater lagoon and Tongass      one thing’s for sure – you won’t ever look
Ketchikan retains a certain frontier vibe.     National Forest. It’s not hard to see why       at fishing the same way again. As the
Ninety minutes from Seattle? Feels more        guests enjoy relaxing while playing poker       people at Waterfall say: “You will catch
like 90 years.                                 or ping pong, shooting pool, throwing darts,    fish.” Granted, it’s not the cheapest trip
                                               checking their email on the saloon’s guest      you’ll ever take, but ask yourself: What is
A Short Hop West                               computers, or catching up on the latest         it worth to have a life-changing experience
                                               sports on the big-screen satellite TV. And if   like this? To feel at one with nature? To
The next morning you pack up and head          you really feel the need for a more formal      see some of the last truly wild country in
down to the Taquan Air terminal on the         gathering, the TV room converts into a          the U.S.? To form a lasting bond with your
waterfront, your departure point for a trip    comfortable meeting room for 40-50 people.      boatmates over a unique shared adventure
to Waterfall or Steamboat Bay – just a short                                                   that few people ever have? To discover, most
hop west by floatplane to Prince of Wales      This is followed by a huge all-you-can-eat      importantly, that there’s a huge difference
Island, and 45 minutes later you’re tying up   buffet dinner from 6-8 pm in the resort’s       between “fishing” and “catching fish.”
at the dock.

After checking in and dropping your bags
you’re off for an afternoon of fishing. No
delays, no downtime, no better way to get
acclimated. Lunch every day is served on

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