Page 20 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 6
P. 20


NIKE                                  HOTELS.COM                          RPG                                CITIZEN

As a reward, a thank you or an        Reward your best with the           RPG Card Services provides the     Style meets function with the new
incentive, nothing performs better    experience of travel, giving them   most popular retail gift cards,    Citizen Promaster Diver. Featured
than the Nike Corporate Gifting       memories they will never forget!    egift cards and network-branded    in solid stainless steel with an
Program. It’s the only gift that un-  Email or mail a gift     prepaid cards to businesses and    azure blue aluminum bezel and
locks the full collection and latest  card. Choose from hundreds          organizations throughout the       45mm dial. Dive to new depths
innovations in Nike shoes, appar-     of thousands of places to stay      U.S. and Canada. With over         with an ISO-compliant watch with
el and gear. With our exclusive       worldwide, including major hotel    15 million gift cards and pre-     water resistance up to 200m.
corporate experiences, you can        chains. Gift cards range from       paid cards distributed annually,   Better yet, the Promaster Diver
up your impact and make your          $10 up to $2,000, and there’s       RPG offers end-to-end program      never needs a battery change
gifting program truly person-         no expiration date or fees. When    services designed to fit any size  as it’s powered by any type of
al with VIP Shopping Events           using a gift card, re-   program, which include bulk/       light using Citizen’s Eco-Drive
complete with food, drinks, music     cipients can earn free nights eas-  individual fulfillment and card    technology.
and Nike Experts, NIKEiD Design       ily with the Rewards     cobranding/customization. Leave
Experiences where your team           program: Stay 10 nights, Get        a lasting impression by rewarding  Contact: Richard Low;
plays designer and Cobranded          1 Free. A variety of eGift card     your customers and employees
Websites which features curated       occasions to choose from; add a     with the brands they want while
products.                             personalized message. Redeem        getting the support and services
                                      online at        you deserve.
Contact: Adam Gong;                    Contact: Bradford Robinson;         Contact: Julie Feece;

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