Page 21 - Experiential Magazine - Vol 6
P. 21
Introducing Fujifilm's latest addi- The Samsung MU7500Series Gift Cards never The Solata Engagement Portal
tion to its Instant camera portfolio (49", 55" 65") Curved Ultra expire and can be redeemed is available to solution providers
- the New SQ10 Hybrid Camera. HDTV redefines the viewing towards millions of items at www. seeking a robust and highly
Larger instant square prints are experience by producing a wider Use your Amazon. customizable program manage-
now possible along with the range of colors with 4K Color com Gift Card to shop from a ment technology for their clients.
capability of capturing these im- Drive Pro and a High Dynamic huge selection of Books, Elec- Organizations can now create a
ages digitally. Preview all images Range (HDR) picture. Experience tronics, Music, Movies, Software, central Engagement Portal that
on the cameras LCD screen prior an immersive sense of depth on Apparel, Toys and more. The Am- runs multiple programs to address
to printing for no wasted pictures. a curved screen with optimized website is the place to every organizational audience
Dual shutter buttons for ease contrast across multiple zones find and discover almost anything and objectives; create a complete
of use for left or right handed of the picture. Our new Smart you want to buy online at a great information center with news,
photographers. Cropping, image TV user-interface (UI) and the price. how-to, and other information
adjustment and special filter new Smart Remote Controller to help foster alignment across
effects create one of a kind pic- with voice navigation capability Contact: Sandra Rivera; the organization; run assessment
tures. Internal memory is capable provides faster access to your surveys and tests; manage news
of storing up to 50 photographs favorite streaming content choic- feeds and social walls; run incen-
and the SD card slot allows for es and more. 4K Color Drive tive and all types of recognition
increased capacity. Pro reveals a wider spectrum of programs (including peer-to-
realistic colors, creating a more peer); and provide sophisticated
Contact: Joe Hafenscher authentic picture. Four times more analytics, including return-on-in- pixels than Full HD means you’re vestment measurement.
getting four times the resolution,
so you’ll clearly see the differ- Contact: Craig Ainsworth;
ence. cainsworth@eaglerecognition.
Contact: Eric Anderson;