Engaging Getaways and Venues for:
Hambye Normandy, France 50650
Phone: +02 33 61 76 92
Website: http://catholique-coutances.cef.fr/patrimoine/hambye/
These imposing ruins in the Sienne river valley were once an abbaye founded in the 12th century. The architecture spans the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries. Open daily except Tue. 10-12 and 2-6. Closed Dec.15th to Jan.31st. Driving direction: From Carolles, take rte.D61, turn left D483, take rte. D143, turn right D924, turn left D375, turn right D145, At Ver continue along rte. D33, turn left D7, pass Gavray, take rte. D9, turn left D198, turn left D51, turn right D258 destination Hambye, Abbaye de hambye. (40 km).